steven stewart funeral directors newport office

Every now and then I write a little piece on my local funeral directors. I’ve featured Steven Stewart Funeral Directors before – twice in fact… back in 2020 and a follow-up in 2021. But I decided to take the occasion of them opening a new office in Newport-on-Tay to post an update on their business. And this time my host was Rhys Small rather than Steven himself.

steven stewart and rhys small in the newport office
Rhys and Steven

Rhys has worked in the business for around five years. When I first did the rounds of the funeral directors in Dundee and Fife to introduce myself as a celebrant, it was Rhys who spoke to me at their main office in Cupar. Since joining he has been a key member of the team.

I asked how he had first come to work in the funeral business and he explained that he’d been working as a bar manager but was looking for something different. “My wife, Kaylie, runs a florists business called Oor Fleurs. Inevitably, she works a lot with funeral directors and she told me that Steven was looking for someone to join the business. I met him, we got on, and he offered me a job. I didn’t have any formal qualifications as a funeral director but Steven trained me in every aspect of the business”.

Since then Rhys has taken an important role in developing the business. He has helped to introduce new online systems and to build up their social media. He’s working on revamping their website, soon to be relaunched. And he has played a big part in preparing and opening the new office in Newport.

steven stewart funeral directors family room
Family room

The office is in a central location on the High Street and is bright and welcoming. “It will make it much easier for families in north Fife and Dundee to visit us. We have an attractive family room where we can discuss funeral wishes and make arrangements in comfortable surroundings.”

Rhys and I chatted about how the Scottish funeral continues to develop and change. One challenge for independent funeral directors is the rise of the direct cremation. Pure Cremations and other big companies are relentlessly advertising these – mainly by stressing how much money people can save. But as Rhys explained, a reputable funeral director can also arrange direct cremations. And in the case of Steven Stewart, they have a service room in Cupar, so can host a respectful ceremony, arrange music, engage an officiant (whether ministers, priests or celebrants). And still offer a competitive price and personalized service.

Greater choice is all very well but in the aftermath of bereavement it can be overwhelming. Recognizing this, Steven Stewart like most funeral directors, offer ways to plan ahead. It can help your family with one set of decisions when you’re gone. Of course, most funeral directors offer “funeral plans” (Steven Stewart work with Golden Charter) but these are essentially financial packages and not everyone wants to, or can, commit to a plan. Rhys wanted to stress that they will talk to people about their “funeral wishes”. A way of exploring options without commitment and in a relaxed environment. He’s currently working on an online form that can help people to think about choices and safely record them. As a celebrant, I’m especially keen that people have choices in the person they want to lead their ceremonies and we talked about a possible link-up to the Scottish Independent Celebrants’ Association (SICA).

Congratulation to Steven, Rhys and all the team on the new offices in Newport and thanks for taking the time to speak to me.

Michael Hannah, Broughty Ferry, October 2024


Steven Stewart Funeral Directors Ltd

01334 655 323

[All photos by Zöe.]

Newport  – New office! Steven Stewart Funeral Directors

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