As a celebrant, I take the issue of continuing professional development, training and education very seriously.
Some relevant training courses and workshops I have attended.
Certificate in Life Coaching (NCFE) awarded by Newcastle College. Lots of training in active listening that has proved really valuable in my work as a funeral celebrant.
Certificate of Training in Funeral Celebrancy (Distinction) awarded by Bespoke Civil Ceremonies, which became the Celebrant Training Academy in November 2019.
GREAT Grief – workshop run by Ted Bowman, an American educator and trainer in all aspects of grief.
End of Life Aid Skills for Everyone (EASE) – 4-module course developed by the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care in conjunction with the Good Life Good Death Good Grief project and delivered at Abertay University, Dundee.
End of Life Care: Challenges and Innovation – online course developed by the University of Glasgow End of Life Studies.
Ageing Populations: Lessons in Healthy Ageing from Japan online course developed by Keio University, Japan
In January I became a Dementia Friend, Scotland

February: Planning for End of Life workshop, run by End of Life Doula UK
October: Conference: Non-binary Thinking, Understanding LGBTQIA+ Identity run by Ceremony Matters.
October: Creating Rituals for Healing & Change workshop run by William Ayot
January: Conference: Racial Equity – Deeper than Skin run by Ceremony Matters.
July: Conference: Mental Health and Disability – Visible and Invisible Difference run by Ceremony Matters.
August: Zen workshops on LOVE AND DEATH: Opening the Great Gifts run by Upaya Zen Centre.
September: Workshop Just Checking In: Supporting Funeral Celebrants run by Poetic Endings.
November: Workshop Lost Rites – Ceremony & Ritual for Death & Dying, by Alexandra Grace Derwen, run by Poetic Endings.
January: Lecture & discussion “Why we all need death education in palliative care”. led by Professor Allan Kellehear and Dr Julian Abel
2021 – 2023
MSc in End of Life Studies at Glasgow University. I will graduate “with distinction” in July 2024.