It was exactly a year ago that I started Neil Dorward’s Training in Funeral Celebrancy course.
It’s been quite an amazing year for me. First of all I found the course incredibly stimulating and valuable. It helped persuade me that this was something I wanted to do and something I might have a talent for.

Then I took the decision to resign from the University of Dundee and plan my new career as a celebrant.
It was hard work getting all my university projects into a state where I could hand them over. Plus, I felt wracked with doubts about what I was planning to do.
“Will I find work?” “Can I write a decent eulogy?” “How will I react when I visit grieving families?”…
Well, it’s been the proverbial “bumpy ride” but I’m still here. And I’ve conducted a wide range of services – different types and different places. I’ve made some really strong connections with funeral directors. I’ve had some very positive feedback. And I’ve learned so much about this work.
So even though I’m not quite where I need to be yet, I’m pleased and proud of what I’ve achieved so far.
Today I met up with two of the other people who did that course a year ago with me. We’re all at different stages but it was so good to catch up over a coffee and recognize that one of the best things about it was meeting the other wonderful people on the course.
Being a funeral celebrant is a vocation – I’m looking forward to testing that calling over the next year.