Susan Fraser and Rachel Cheer of SICA
Susan Fraser and Rachel Cheer – outgoing Chair and Secretary of SICA

Last weekend I attended the AGM of the Scottish Independent Celebrants’ Association (SICA)….. in person!! And it was so good to meet everyone. I have come to know many of the members there over the last year or so since I joined. But most of those “meetings” were via the now ubiquitous zoom screen. I’ve become a big zoom fan and I think it’s great for all sorts of reasons. But it’s still so nice to meet people face to face.

We had a busy day. Joe Murren of SAIF (The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors) spoke about their work in Scotland. We discussed and approved a new strategic plan that a sub-committee have been working up. And we elected an almost completely new committee with myself as “ordinary member”!

This promises to be an exciting year ahead as we work to raise standards of celebrancy in Scotland and raise the profile and standing of SICA. And hopefully bring in more work for our members as a result. I will no doubt be writing more as the year unfolds.

Michael Hannah, 19 October 2021


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