Just a very short blog to say Happy New Year to everyone. In particular my fellow celebrants and the funeral directors I work with.
I am looking forward to starting this year – with a few new projects on the go. Most importantly I am starting a Masters degree in End of Life Studies at the University of Glasgow. My first day will be Monday 11th January. It’s going to be a lot of work combining it with my funeral celebrant work but I know that it will be incredibly stimulating and rewarding.
Meanwhile, the restrictions that have become almost second nature to us continue. Back in April last year I did a huge amount of work to see if it would be possible to conduct online funeral ceremonies. They didn’t take off then as we never were forced to stop attended funerals altogether. But this week I am collaborating with a London-based celebrant on a Zoom funeral. It will be really interesting to see how it goes. There are big disadvantages in doing this this way…. but also some real positives so I will try my best to make it work well and look forward to evaluating it.
Of course, 2020 was extremely difficult for everyone. Yesterday I took some time to go through my notes on all the funerals I conducted throughout the year. Just to remember all those services. And today I wanted to take this opportunity to send my kindest regards to all those families and friends I worked with to try and ensure that their loved ones received the best and most fitting funeral possible, even under restricted circumstances. I hope that you have managed to find some peace and comfort over this holiday period and I wish you all well for this new year.
Michael Hannah, Dundee January 2021